Dirt Empire was commissioned by immersive producer Greta Knutsen to create a proposal for an amibitous project spanning 6 bridges and pedestrian areas in the South Bronx and Mott Haven. The core idea was to create a compreshensive public arts plan to clad bridges with addressable LED between Harlem and the South Bronx. This included a eduacational and employment component for the community around immersive art creation, philanthropic outreach and revamping a series of existing spaces for concerts, food courts and general outdoor congregation areas.
Our team was responsible for art-directing the desing of the proposal, generating site accurate renderings. We reconstructed all 6 bridges in 3D down to rivets and gussets using blueprints, photography, photogrammetry and sattelite images. There was comprehensive study of robust, outdoor LED tech from Phillips as well as a long tail production and budget plan for the project.
Willis Bridge LED Design Concept
Alexander Ave Photogrammetry + Site Rendering Before/After
Alexander Ave Underpass Design Concepts - Graffiti Gallery
@2023 Dirt Empire